The Vitality of Green

Smooth Surface
Smooth Surface


Now that autumn’s around us a bit, and even the insects are singing a different song, why not turn to growth or renewal? The season of fall marks beginnings and ends, as all seasons do, really, yet in the U.S. we are moving into the academic year. With our youngest launching to university any day now, this theme is particularly on my mind. My theme is “full house”, not “empty nest”, because this is a transition, not a syndrome, I believe. As challenging as it seems, what if we considered these not-so-easy yet normal, and yes, even celebratory moments as something that’s not about us, but someone’s else’s accomplishments, dreams and aspirations?

So, here’s the image I have. Strong green plant, firmly rooted in what seems like an unlikely medium…sand. Vibrant, growing,  both green AND brown. Often transitions or even gaps we sense are confusing, and unclear. So, what is a meaningful step you can take this next month to owning your life, your health, and claiming some vitality for you and therefore those you serve and love?

Like the “green” movement, aren’t we each renewable and sustainable in our own way? What will you recycle this fall?




Point of View



On Election Day, considering one’s attitude seems especially relevant. Even though this statement may apply specifically to politics, we can also consider our outlook  in general. I was reminded of this yesterday while listening to a wise courtroom judge talking to parents and their new drivers. He quoted a University of Notre Dame official who mentioned  attitude determining how well we complete our endeavors,  despite depth of  talent.

What is attitude, anyway? For example, when you look at this photograph, what are you aware of? The horse could be considering a few of these, depending on posture:

  1. I’d rather be in  that field over there.
  2. This fence is hemming me in.
  3. Thank goodness for this awesome tree I’m standing under!
  4. If I get up my courage  to neigh, I bet my friends will trot over!
  5. What do my ears say?
  6. Am I putting my best hoof forward?
  7. Hey, where’s my hay?
  8. What do I see?
  9. What’s that smell?
  10. Where are my feet?
  11. What do I like about this fence?
  12. Who do I want to play with today?
  13. What am I inviting?
  14. Hey, who’s gonna bring my water?
  15. What a  fantastic patch of grass I’m on right now.
  16. I feel strong!
  17. I’m a horse. How great is that?

What do you stand for today? How can we invite, not fight ourselves and others? Observe animals. They’re good teachers.



“You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are.” — Fred Rogers, from The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things To Remember.

This week I am inspired by the service of others, and the power of  love joining us together. I am inspired by participants, volunteers, staff, and families at the Victory Summit  last Saturday. I am inspired by the recent documentary on Fred Rogers. I am inspired by clients who show courage, openness, and willingness. I am inspired by play in all of these events and experiences.

In more words of Fred Rogers, “Play does seem to open up another part of the mind that is always there, but that, since childhood, may have become closed off and hard to reach. When we treat children’s play as seriously as it deserves, we are helping them feel the joy that’s to be found in the creative spirit. We’re helping ourselves stay in touch with that spirit, too. It’s the things we play with and the people who help us play that make a great difference in our lives.”

Who do you play with? How are play, love, and service connected in your life?

What’s In Your Pack?

A Good Day


Fall brings a different kind of renewal than spring or summer. What’s going to be different for you? What would you like to be the same?  The beginning of the Labor Day weekend  shouts endings, beginnings, goodbyes, possibilites. How will you spend your time this fall? Who will you share your intentions with? How might you reach out to others, become more connected, share your life a bit? What do you need? What values are already with you that you’d like to carry along?

Laughter’s Anchor



How important is laughter? Most of us don’t have to take long to remember a time when we lacked it. Most of us also immediately can cite who we laugh with, or who we long to laugh with again. When we were children, we belly laughed all the time, even hundreds of times per day when we were very young.

Did you know that you don’t need a sense of humor to laugh? That’s the premise of Laughter Yoga. Some say the more you laugh, the more you laugh. It is also said that one can’t laugh and think at the same time. I realize that might be scary for some, but for others, a relief! To turn off our minds for a while and increase our bodies natural endorphins. That’s what happens when we laugh.

There is some pretty amazing stuff about Laughter Yoga and it’s benefits. Here’s a tiny sample.

Why the Dalai Lama laughs

Gibberish Laughter Game

Dr. Katari in Yoga Journal

Massage Therapists Embrace Laughter Yoga

Good Descriptive Article on Laughter Yoga



For the past five days, I’ve heard “engage”,  as I’ve listened to Barbara, owner of Next Level Fitness.  I enjoyed, yes enjoyed, a free week trial workout during early mornings in local parks, with people I didn’t know yet– running, playing fitness games, and working myself into a great sweat. I was struck by the power of  “engage”. Barbara refers to the importance of using the body’s core muscular strength during each exercise, how this reduces injury, supports our skeletal structure, and endurance. Throughout the week, my curiosity and awareness of this “engage” theme heightened.

What would becoming more engaged bring to your life? Consider this:

  1. Ask a buddy to do some activity with you, or do it by yourself. Chances are you’ll find a buddy there.
  2. If you don’t have a buddy yet, take a breath and ask someone.
  3. Do something you will enjoy, that’s of value to you.
  4. If you’re scared, then tell someone that too. This helps fears soften.
  5. Get on the log. Choose a log that fits you.
  6. Look up. My mom says this in stormy times. It helps.
  7. Get outside. It’s nearly summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
  8. Make room in your life for a re-engagement or a new way of becoming engaged.
  9. Be like a turtle. Eat more green food.
  10. Get near water. Swim, or simply gaze at the reflection. What do you see?

P.S. I’m going to blog more. Hope you enjoy.